3D Modeling, Software, Courses and Resources
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Sketchup Extensions, 3D Building Models, Courses, and Resources!
SketchUp PlaceMaker
SketchUp PlaceMaker is a plugin (extension) for the 3D modeling program SketchUp. PlaceMaker imports into SketchUp a variety of 3D data, aerial images and unique geographical features.
Quick and easy to use, PlaceMaker saves time and money. What would take days, if not weeks, can be done in minutes.
PlaceMaker brings in detailed 3D cities from around the world including terrain, roads, walks, buildings, rails, trees. matchless aerials, textured meshes and more! Try it now and see for yourself!
UrbanPaint for SketchUp
UrbanPaint for SketchUp will save you frustration. Easy to install, easy to use. And will save you hours of workarounds! May need additional text about Urban Paint from Daniel here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecte- tur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt.
3D Building Models
Blurb to come from Daniel about the models and their availability on Turbo Squid and CGTrader. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
Train with an Industry Expert
“My goal with these video tutorials is to create a supportive learning space that cultivates and builds your SketchUp skills while practicing the professional industry standard as you learn and model.”
– Daniel Tal, 3D Specialist
From writing several SketchUp books, Dan has developed new methods and content to share in his video tutorials. Like his books, the video courses are hands-on and easy to follow with guided step-by-step instructions.