SketchUp Artists Styles: Part 1 – Download Free Styles

So many people don’t know about SketchUp styles. But I’ve seen that once someone discovers styles, they’ll play with them like a kid in a toy store.
Styles are used to change how your model appears. SketchUp provides a pretty decent collection in the Styles window:
But when you want to branch out from SketchUp’s provided styles, you can find more styles out there (and create your own, which is a heavy topic for another time!)
SketchUp Artists
SketchUp Artists is a wonderful resource for styles, as well as tutorials and other resources that focus on model presentation. I’ll demonstrate how to download and install one of their hand-drawn-looking styles.
First, go to the SketchUp Artists home page and click “SketchUp Styles.”
Free style collections are available by year – the latest is 2016. Click the link to open the collection.
Within the 2016 styles, I want to try out this one – “Concept with fine marker.” Clicking here downloads the style as a ZIP file.
Style Folders
Before extracting the ZIP file, create a folder on your computer for storing new styles. I made a folder called “SketchUpArtists” in my “Documents” folder.
Then you can extract the downloaded file into that folder. Note that the file extension for a style folder is *.style.
Next, in Part 2, I’ll show how to get your downloaded style into SketchUp.