
Outliner Nesting 01

Good SketchUp modelers always make use of components when objects repeat in a model. For example, they use components for identical windows, drawer handles, columns, etc. Nesting components are components that are comprised of other components (or groups). This post will demonstrate what this means, why you should use nested components, and how the Outliner can make this […]

Optimizing SketchUp Performance: Part 2 - Settings

Part 1 of this three-part series focused on the hardware you need to maximize SketchUp performance. In this part, I’ll discuss how to adjust SketchUp settings for the most efficient performance. Here’s what I’ll cover: Edge Styles Shadows OpenGL Outliner   Edge Styles These are the easiest setting to change, and can have a significant impact on performance. […]

Sketchup Layers Groups Components 01

Layers – they seem simple enough. Place a SketchUp object on a layer, turn off the layer, hide the object. Each object sits on only one layer. What could go wrong? Actually, quite a bit. When you model using groups and components (which all good modelers do), and start placing groups, components, or loose geometry onto different […]