
Tools on Surface Extension
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Tools on Surface Extension

I love extensions. And Tools On Surface might be my favorite (along with Soap Skin & Bubble which I’ve mentioned before and will mention again). This is one of SketchUcation’s extensions. See our post on how to get SketchUcation’s ExtensionStore. Why Tools on Surface? We all know SketchUp’s native drawing tools: Line, Rectangle, Circle, 2…

Skatter Extension: Part 2 – Realistic Trees and Rendering
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Skatter Extension: Part 2 – Realistic Trees and Rendering

In Part 1 of this series, I introduced Skatter, the amazing extension that allows you to mass-place objects onto surfaces. Specifically, with Skatter you can create detailed, vast forest plantings, lawns, and similar vegetation patterns. In this post, I’ll show a quick demo of using Skatter to generate a quick mass vegetation planting for a bridge…

SketchUp Skelion Extension. High Rez Aerial with Location Selected
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SketchUp’s Skelion Extension: Part 2 – Aerial Maps

In Part 1 of this series, I showed how to use the Skelion extension to import terrain into SketchUp. This produces a much larger terrain area than what you could import using SketchUp’s Add Location tool, which imports data from Google Earth. While Add Location limits you to one square mile of imported terrain, Skelion is able to bring in…

SketchUp Skelion Extension
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SketchUp Skelion Extension: Part 1 – Terrain Import

Building SketchUp models in context, a.k.a. geo-location, requires reference information. Whether working on bridges, residences, commercial development, or parks, including the surrounding area is crucial for accuracy. This post is about Skelion, available in the Extension Warehouse. If you haven’t yet installed an extension from there, see our post on how to do it.   Add…

SketchUp and Photoshop: Part 2 – High-Resolution Aerials
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SketchUp and Photoshop: Part 2 – High-Resolution Aerials

In Part 1 of this two-part series, I demonstrated how to link SketchUp with Photoshop (or any graphic editor), enabling you to seamlessly edit SketchUp textures and images. That post focused on editing tiling material images, such as grass or stone. This post is about geo-location: getting high-resolution aerial images from Google Earth Pro into SketchUp. Add Location In…